Pumpkin Pie Recipe / Pumpkin Pie Pudding

Pumpkin Pie Recipe

This pumpkin pie recipe is raw, vegan and so easy to make. And it's not only delicious but is also good for you!

My favorite part of any pumpkin pie recipe is always the filling and so when I make this I tend to forego the whole 'pie' part and just make the filling.

I serve the filling in little bowls - more like Pumpkin Pie Pudding. I am enjoying some of this right now as I type and it is absolutely delectable!

On this page I will show you how to make the raw vegan pie crust as well. You can use this pumpkin pie recipe to create an actual pie or, like I do, just the pumpkin pie filling or pudding.

I was inspired to create this dish from the beautiful Kristina over at Rawfully Organic and I have included her video at the bottom of this page where you can see her making this gorgeous pumpkin pie recipe and where you can see the finished version of the completed pie, crust and all. I highly recommend watching this and following Kristina as she has lots of great ideas!

Start all of your recipes with LOVE, it is the secret ingredient that will make all of your creations shine!


  • 1 cup almonds, soaked and rinsed
  • 1 cup dates, pitted
  • pinch cinnamon (optional)
  • pinch sea salt (optional)

In a food processor combine all ingredients until sticky. Add more dates and/or more almonds until you have a a dough like consistency.

Press this mixture into a glass pie dish to form the crust of your pie and set aside. You can place this crust into a dehydrator, in the fridge or out in the sun to let it set for a few hours (this step is not necessary but will help your crust to dry somewhat).

Be creative and know that you can use different nuts and seeds in your crust and can even use raisins, figs or other dried fruit as well as any other spices you may like.

PUMPKIN PIE FILLING (or Pumpkin Pie Pudding):

  • 1 sugar pie pumpkin, peeled and cubed
  • 1/2 cups dates, pitted
  • 1 very ripe persimmon
  • 1-2 tsp pumpkin pie spice

Pumpkin Pie Recie

Place all ingredients in a high powered blender (I use a Vitamix Blender) and blend until smooth.

If you don't have pumpkin pie spice you can use a 1/2 inch piece of fresh ginger, some raw vanilla and some cinnamon.

Always taste your creations and adjust as you go.

Pumpkin Pie Ingredients in Blender

If making a full pie then pour this beautiful filling into your pie crust and, voila, you have a healthy pumpkin pie!

You can decorate your pie with some pecans or shredded coconut.

You can serve it immediately or, to help it to hold its shape when you cut it, place it in the freezer for about an hour or so.

If enjoying this as a Pumpkin Pie Pudding then simply pour into little bowls and serve, perhaps garnishing with a pecan or a sprinkle of cinnamon and/or coconut would be nice.

Pumpkin Pie Filling

My inspiration for the above recipe came from the video below. Watch and enjoy the beautiful Kristina making a raw pumpkin pie.

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Vitamix Blenders