Living a Healthy Life is a Personal Conviction

by Alesha Wilson
(Wilmington, NC)

Ever felt the need to be really active for the day’s activities but your body just happens to be sluggish, sullen and lacks vitality?

Then you might not be making the right choices on how to live healthy. Being healthy does not only focus on physical aspects alone. This means presence of big muscles or thin and slender beach bodies do not necessarily mean or guarantee that a person is already in the peak of their health.

There is still a lot underneath that also needs attention and it is by giving adequate regards to the body’s needs up to its core ensures the way to one’s healthy success. Health should be achieved completely and thoroughly including a person’s mental and emotional aspects. It is definitely being healthy from inside out.

There’s a lot of ways to achieve being healthy and one of the most important is choosing the right food to take in. Being vigilant on checking your diet’s freshness and nutritive components makes a big difference in improving one’s health state. Packing up on balanced vegetables and fruits is the way to go!

Combining this change in diet with proper exercise and meditation just doubles the positive effect on your whole body. Rest is also a big factor to consider, cell regeneration happens during proper sleep so you might want to give a good 6-8 hours of it.

Living healthy shouldn’t be a luxury to anyone. It is how a person makes the right choices that spell a difference on how they can reach their fully healthy state. Nobody is stopping you to indulge once in a while, but on most days, it’s what we eat, breathe and think that really matters. Always choose the good stuff, you owe it to yourself, you owe it to your family.

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Sep 14, 2012
Perfect Reinforcement of Healthy Habits
by: Nadia (Site Author)

Thank you Alesha for your post so full of wisdom!

When thinking of how to be healthy it is not always about a remedy used just when sick but, like Alesha writes, it is about the things we do each and every day.

Get the basics (diet, exercise, meditation, sleep) under control and that is your best preventative medicine.

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