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Making-Healthy-Choices e-Zine #027 - Best Ways to Stay Healthy While You Party
December 10, 2013


(December 2013 Issue #027 from

A fr*ee monthly newsletter to inspire you to be the healthiest, most vital and vibrant version of You!

In this month's e-Zine...

"Some people are your relatives but others are your ancestors, and you choose the ones you want to have as ancestors. You create yourself out of those values." -Ralph Ellison

Easy Cold Remedy Anyone Can Make

As we are travelling now, I am not in my own kitchen. This means I don’t have all my fun ingredients at hand. But it is all good!!

The other day while visiting a beautiful friend I dug around in her kitchen to make a healing drink for John (who was a little congested).


This is what I came up with and it occurred to me that, since I easily found these ingredients in her kitchen, that probably most people readily have these things on hand.

  • Hot Water

  • 1-2 tbsp of honey (local and raw is the best … but use whatever you can find)
  • 1-2 tbsp of lemon juice (fresh is best … but I used what I could find)

  • 1/2 inch or more grated ginger (notice this cool grating tool!!)

  • 1 clove grated garlic

  • 1 tsp black pepper
  • 1 tsp cinnamon

Grating Ginger

Put all ingredients except hot water in a tall glass (or big mug). Add a little hot water and stir well to mix everything and dissolve the honey. Then top up the glass with more hot water, sip and enjoy. Continue to stir as you sip or else the ingredients will settle on the bottom of the glass.

This tasted GREAT and it really helped John to feel better. A wonderfully warming drink full of ancient healing foods!

Quick Tips to Stay Healthy While Partying

As we quickly roll into the busy holiday season, I thought these tips may be helpful to some.

Often, at this time of year, there are many parties and social gatherings to attend and it is easy to get run down and sick. Below are some easy tips and tricks to stay healthy, balanced and energized while still enjoying the season.

  • Plan Ahead: Look at your calendar ahead of time and be sure that you are not scheduling in more than you can handle. Ensure that you have times of rest scheduled in. It is not necessary to accept every single invitation at this time of year. Politely decline any that make your schedule too busy for you.

  • Food: Before heading out to a big dinner, eat something healthy and nutritious at home. This will ensure that, no matter what you eat later, you have already nourished your cells. This will also help you to not over-indulge at the party as you will be full and satisfied when you arrive. 

  • Water: Staying hydrated is key! Drink water throughout the party. If drinking alcohol, drink a glass of water for every cocktail you have. An easy way to do this is to always have a glass of water with you and every time you sip your cocktail, follow that with a sip of water.

  • Meditate and Check Your Attitude: Before you go out (even first thing that morning) be still and check in with yourself. Have some quiet time where your mind can reset and find its balance. During this time put forth your intention for how you would like the evening to go and imagine your perfect evening in great detail.

  • The Next Day: After a late night, and especially if you indulged, give your system a helping hand the next day. Do this by drinking lots of water (room temperature, on an empty stomach and add some fresh lemon juice), eat lightly (and eat lots of high water content fruits and vegetables), and REST. Giving yourself a home enema can also be a really great way to help your body out the next morning.
  • Every Day: Be sure to nourish and hydrate your body every single day, even when not attending any gatherings. This continual nourishment will keep you energized all month long and into the new year.

Most of all breathe and enjoy! This is a time of sharing love with special people in our lives - keep sight of that and bring that love into everything you are doing.

Learning as We Travel

We have been on the road now for about 2.5 months and I wanted to share with you one of my favourite things about extended travelling.

One of the things I absolutely love the most is talking to older people in different countries and learning from them. I love listening to them tell me about what life was like when they were small, about how their mothers would take care of them. By listening and asking questions I gain a tremendous amount of knowledge of natural healing therapies, time proven home remedies and so so many life tricks.

Ancient wisdom being passed on to me through conversations with beautiful souls that allow me to glimpse back in time and incorporate this wisdom into my life now. I can’t tell you how honored and grateful I feel for these wonderful opportunities to listen and learn.

These conversations don’t always happen in English and I often cannot speak the local language but, nevertheless, the wisdom always gets imparted. It is like the information has a life of its own and it will find a way to be understood and passed on.

Recently in Thailand we talked with a man that knew so much about ancient tools used for doing massage. We were able to acquire some of these simple yet effective massage tools.


Another time in Japan I stumbled into a conversation with a Japanese lady who told me all about simple things her mother would do to keep them healthy. They lived in a small rural village very far away from the closest doctor and she had so many really neat things to share!

As I spend time in different countries and talk to many people I also see much similarity in the methods that our ancestors used to naturally keep their loved ones healthy, strong and balanced. We are all connected and looking back in time, I truly believe, is where the keys are to living a naturally healthy life.

I will continue to learn as we travel and to share everything I learn in these newsletters and on our website.

If you like this e-zine please share it. If it's been shared with you please subscribe to the Making-Healthy-Choices e-Zine here.

Next month: More quick and easy Holistic Health Tips and Information.

Until then, make healthy choices and be well,


Nadia Harper RHN
Holistic Nutritionist and Health Advisor
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Disclaimer: This e-zine is for educational purposes only, for the free exchange of ideas in relation to health and wellness. There is no intention to diagnose, prescribe or be a substitute for the advice of a licensed medical practitioner. It is your birthright to learn and make your own choices and the author holds no responsibility for you doing so.
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